It's a Ginge Thing


As a junior in college it’s always hard for me each semester to say goodbye to friends for the summer, but it’s especially hard for me to say goodbye to those who are graduating. When I was a freshman I was placed in a sophomore hallway so majority of my friends are leaving me this year to go out into the real world and start their lives. This year has definitely been one for the books, and I will never forget those people who have impacted my life in the way that they have – plus, I know that during their hectic schedules working 9-5 jobs they will find the time to come back and rage with me at school.

I am dedicating this post to all of my friends that are moving on to do bigger and better things with their lives especially my only ginger friends that are leaving. I’ll miss my friend Jimmy – as much as he has grown to hate me for constantly calling him out on being a ginger, I will miss being able to call him out and embarrass him for being a ginger – I will also miss constantly making him take “ginger pictures” with me…guess I’ll have to recruit some more redheads. Jimmy is one awkwardly funny son of a bitch – like most gingers – and I’ll definitely miss him. My other ginger friend, Hillary, is also leaving me this year. Hillary is a flaming ginger. Her hair is much more red than mine, in fact it’s pretty much a bright shade of orange – one of those gingers. I’ll miss having Hillary around because sometimes it’s beneficial not being the biggest flaming ginger around and I thank her for constantly getting more shit than I do. Hillary and I will always be ginger sisters though. She is so crazy and funny I will miss her tons!

I’m not sure what I’m going to do being the only ginger around next year but hopefully I’ll be able to make friends with some new ones so I’m not the only one in my group of friends being made fun of. Sometimes it’s fun when us gingers are together and people make fun of us because we can make fun of them together for being boring and normal. It’s a little hard to rebuttal solo, but gingers always prevail in the end so I’m not really worried about it.

Good luck seniors everywhere graduating both college and highschool…especially good luck to all the gingers out there who are going to make big things happen and eventually rule the world! :)


Ginger Locks of Love

Okay so I know I posted wednesday about my dad and this may seem a little repetitive but I swear it’s a really cute story! You know your dad’s an awesome guy when he grows his hair out long enough to donate to children who suffer from long term medical hair loss.

Five years ago this October my dads best friend lost his life to cancer. Losing somebody you love and care about is one of the most difficult things a person can endure especially in the middle of their life. My dad got a tattoo as a remembrance for his friend Jim, visits him at his grave and constantly keeps his spirit living through photos and memories.

About three years ago my dad decided that in honor of Jim as well as other people suffering with this horrible disease all around the world, he was going to do something not many 50 year olds can do – grow out his hair and donate it. Locks of Love is an organization that that makes wigs for children under the age of 21 – their hair has to be ten inches long and in a ponytail before it is cut and sent in. It’s funny because it’s not every day you see one of your friends fathers with hair longer than their ears. His hair is longer than some of my friend’s. He may get funny looks and silly harassment from outsiders who think he’s a total weirdo and going through a midlife crisis because his hair is so long, but that didn’t stop him along his journey.

On thursday of next week my dad will be cutting and donating his hair after a long three years. I’m proud of him for fulfilling this goal of wanting to change somebody’s life so drastically. I know the recipient is going to LOVE the bright orange, curly hair they receive and hopefully it means as much to them as the experience did to my dad.

I mean honestly, who wouldn’t want this as their new hair? I know I would…and i’m i’m not just being bias!

Ginger flow. Killin’ it pops


I am a readhead, you all know that, so naturally I get my flawless locks from a member of my family – that person is my father, Ken. My dad is the best guy I know and I love him more than anything! He is literally the coolest ginger that has ever walked the face of the earth and there is no doubt about it. Ken is so funny, laid back, and just the best dad any gingkin could wish for.

Now that I’ve rubbed it in everyone’s face how my dad is better than theirs, I think this story will pretty much convince you all that he is. Last night Ken was at the Red Sox game – shout out to all you bostonians out there – sitting directly next to the dugout. That alone is unreal. He literally could reach right on in and give somebody a big ole’ ging hug if he wanted too. He was texting me pictures of Pedroia, Ortiz, and even some of the managers all night obviously to rub it in my face that he was totally killin’ it at the game. I have met Youkilis before so this didn’t really phase me to an extent, especially since they were losing. It wasn’t until my dad sent me this picture that I really got jealous.

If you aren’t a Boston sports fan you deserve to burn in hell (just kidding…but really) and you probably have no idea who this is. This beautiful man standing next to my father – my dad being the ginger on the left…not that obvious – is none other that Milan Lucic. He plays for the Boston Bruins and is literally a god. This picture is gold. Ken completely owning the entire thing because his hair is phenomenal – mind your he is 57 and still has the ging-fro – and Lucic is just straight reppin the sox even after the bruins devastating loss just last week. That’s what Boston is about. Unity, and gingers…minus the gingers.

God damn you dad. #longhairdontcare


I know that I have briefly discussed celebrities who take the risk and make the transformation of having a generic hair color to a fierce red, but recently there is one celebrity that I would have never imagined red hair to look good on; that actress being Brittany Snow. Dying your hair and taking the risk of becoming the ultimate ginger is not an easy task for most, especially those in the limelight because people WILL be seeing you and WILL be judging you. For me, however, Brittany looks so gorgeous with the new ginger locks I give her props for trying out the new style – I mean who wouldn’t want to be a redhead, right?!

Brittany has experimented with almost every hair color from dark brown to bright blonde so I think it was about her time to venture on over to the dark side as a redhead. I suggest all people who have icky hair colors to try it because redheads definitely have more fun, and I’m not going to sugar coat anything but we’re better than everyone else. Not because majority of us are funny, and awesome and a pleasure to be around more so than anybody with hues of yellow or brown in their hair, just because well, we’re better.

I hope Ms. Snow decides to leave her hair this beautiful color for a while because although I did love her when she had blonde hair, she just kills it as a redhead so I wouldn’t want to see her turn back to an unordinary human being. To see other celebrities who have dyed their hair red and can pull it off – aside from Rihanna and Rumor….sorry girls it’s just not working for you – check out this link!


Okay so nobody would really know this but I love little kids so much! Babies, tots, just up until the peak age of eight or so and I’m in love. They are literally the cutest, and funniest people on the face of the earth and I think it’s safe to say nobody can deny that. I came across this video the other day and was  falling off my chair laughing because of how god damn cute this six year old is. Smart, charming, hilarious – does it get any better than that? The best part about it is that he has an undeniable love for redheads, at the age of six! He even has a ginger girlfriend who is 26….kid is obviously the man. You guys seriously ALL have to check it out it is literally the cutest thing ever I had to share. It’s an interview of him on the Ellen DeGeneres Show talking about his love for redheads and his fascination of the solar system. Definitely something you have to watcht!!


Leslie is a very lucky girl.

Ginger LIES

In today’s post I have decided to focus on freeing all ginger people of any negative stereotypes or false statements that are being surfaced around the internet. I know how unintelligent the people are who feel as if it’s necessary to start these “funny” but untrue statements, so I’m here today to just set the record straight. Just a forewarning, some of them are obviously not the nicest or the most appropriate.

1. Taking a ginger into your home will cause milk to spoil: Alright whoever made this one up is clearly on some sort of hallucinogens because that is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard. There is always a gallon of milk in my fridge at home and it has never gone bad.

2. Gingers have to eat carrots to maintain their hair colour: I don’t eat carrots…ever…my hair is still red.

3. The hair of a ginger, when sprinkled with dew and placed under moonlight becomes pure gold: Well, I wish I had known this a long time ago because then I would be a very, very rich girl.

4.  Every time a ginger is born a unicorn dies: That’s weird, I wasn’t aware unicorns existed. Oh wait, they don’t.

5. Every time gingers have sex God creates a new STD: Where are the statistics for this? Who is such good friends with God and knows this? Please, let me in on your source of information so I can slap them with some knowledge.

6. At the end of every rainbow there is a ginger: Well, this is sort of true. Leprechauns are gingers, right?

7. Doctors have been arrested for prescribing rat poison to sick gingers: I’m pretty sure I heard a story about this in the news actually….

8. Last year congress passed a law prohibiting ginger hunter season: I wouldn’t blame people for wanting to hunt us. We would make great stuffed gingers. Beautiful, all gingery, and there forever.

9. One of the leading campaigns for abortion rights is, “it let’s us kill gingers, legally!: This one, in my opinion, is just hideous. Making a joke out of something that isn’t even funny in the first place. Grow up.

10. Gingers invented tanning booths and hair die: That’s actually false. Neither of them are gingers.

In summation, people are idiots. Ginger power, baby.

Ginger Power!

Being a ginger myself it is only natural that my friends instantly let me know every time there is something they have watched or heard that revolves around the ginger race. I typically receive five or so comments a day alone on having red hair but I am also nearly always informed when something revolving a ginger is on television. The other day one of my friends texted me letting me know there was an episode of Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory on MTV that had a skit based around gingers.

Naturally I was eager to watch it and let me tell you I was in hysterics afterwards. Because I am not an uptight ginger it is so easy to laugh when people attempt to mock me. In fact the only way to be a successful ginger in this world is to have a sense of humor and be able to laugh at other people making fun of you. I was able to find a clip of it on youtube to share with you all in hopes you would find it as entertaining as I did! Rob and all of his friends wear red wigs and mess around as if they were in this skit Rob definitely also glorifies how awesome gingers are which makes it even more enjoyable! I hope you all agree!

ABC Sunburn

Attempting to have some fun in the sun this past weekend resulted in me struggling during the evening due to the pain I was in. Being sunburnt is one of the worst pains a person can endure, in my opinion of course. ‘Cause I’m a ginger I definitely should have known better to apply sunscreen, but when it’s the late afternoon and I’m playing games in the backyard I never really find it necessary because I feel like the sun isn’t even strong anymore. Definitely not the best logic on my behalf. Every ginger that goes outside no matter what time of day it is should always have sunscreen on or they will pay the price. First thing any of us should do when we even think about stepping outside the house is apply the right SPF whether it be 75 or 100…most likely 100. Gingers are weak against the sun and I’m not sure what I was thinking not putting anything on.

Honestly, I think it’s because I keep telling myself ‘oh it’s okay I’m getting older and my skin is adjusting to the sun’ but that is literally the dumbest thing ever. I am an idiot because we all know that’s just a preposterous thing to think. Jealousy also plays a role because all my super tan friends apply baby oil to their skin and don’t even get remotely burned but I don’t put anything on and look like a fresh steamed lobster. Kills me. Literally, the pain I’m in just kills me. Miserable is an understatement. Nobody understands the pain that gingers endure when they are sunburnt…they aren’t the same as normal people sunburns, they are worse.

On Friday when I got burnt It wasn’t just a normal burn, it was one of the burns where you’re wearing a wicked awkward top and your burn lines look like somebody literally painted a white shirt on you. Over and over that night I just kept thinking of how stupid I was, granted the amounts of alcohol I consumed did relieve some of my pain which was nice.  People weren’t nice about it either. Questions were sarcastically coming from my friends all night like, “were you outside today?” or “you usually tan so. Ridiculous! Seriously i’m sure it was funny for them but this girl was not laughing.

Typically I would but because I was actually in pain it just wasn’t funny to me. Understanding the pain a ginger feels from a sunburn is very difficult for uneducated people to understand so I forgave them for being so heartless. Very fun night though aside from the sunburn and my dumb friends who aren’t funny. Wish I had just put on the sunscreen during the day though to avoid the ginger jokes, the pain and the anxiety I was getting from it. Xanax would have been clutch that way I would have stopped panicking about what everyone was thinking about me. Yes I definitely learned my lesson and I will always apply sunscreen no matter what time of the day it is. Zero sunscreen = unhappy ginger and unhappy ginger = well, aren’t gingers always unhappy? ;)

I want to be a Weasley.

Alright so I’m not gunna lie I just drank a large iced coffee and I’m a little hyped up – excuse my rambling, or the tangents I’m sure I’ll go on when writing this – just like I’m doing right now. Aside from that, all you Harry Potter buffs out there, this post is for you.

When I was younger I loved the Harry Potter book series. While other kids were watching Are You Afraid of the Dark? or All That, I would be posted up on the couch reading about the adventures of a wizard and his buddies – exciting, I know. Now believe me this was not by choice of course, nobody wanted to be friends with a redhead. One of the reasons why I became so interested in the book and movie series was because of a character named Ron Weasley. The main reason I was drawn to him wasn’t just because he was this clumsy, lovable character that I believe to be even more bad ass then Harry himself, but he was a ginger as well. It’s almost like J.K. Rowling strategically placed Ron into her novels because she knew all the redheaded losers nobody wanted to hang out with would be at home reading her books and needed a hero like Ron to look up to. Pure genius she is.

Anyway, as I grew more fond of Ron and his ginger ways I learned he had an entire family full of gingers. Not just any family but the BEST family. Twin brothers who were hilarious, a sister who Harry Potter, only the coolest kid ever was in love with, three older brothers – one of which trained dragons, and just about the cutest parents anybody could ask for – could they get any better?!! Obviously not. If any of you reading this have seen the movies you know what I’m talking about. I would die to be a part of the Weasley family because they are the definition of ginger-perfection PLUS they have English accents to die for. All you gingers reading this know what I’m talking about. How awesome would it be to have a family who is just all ginger all of the time? Pretty. damn. awesome. Just watch how darn cute they are and try to argue with me reasons why you wouldn’t want to be apart of this family.  It’ll be hard, trust me.

On a  scale of 1 – I’d die to be a Weasley, where do you guys stand?

Watch out, Katniss.

The Ginger Games

“Redheads battling it out to death, while trying to avoid sunburns”

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