It's a Ginge Thing

Archive for the tag “solar system”


Okay so nobody would really know this but I love little kids so much! Babies, tots, just up until the peak age of eight or so and I’m in love. They are literally the cutest, and funniest people on the face of the earth and I think it’s safe to say nobody can deny that. I came across this video the other day and was  falling off my chair laughing because of how god damn cute this six year old is. Smart, charming, hilarious – does it get any better than that? The best part about it is that he has an undeniable love for redheads, at the age of six! He even has a ginger girlfriend who is 26….kid is obviously the man. You guys seriously ALL have to check it out it is literally the cutest thing ever I had to share. It’s an interview of him on the Ellen DeGeneres Show talking about his love for redheads and his fascination of the solar system. Definitely something you have to watcht!!


Leslie is a very lucky girl.

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