It's a Ginge Thing


As a junior in college it’s always hard for me each semester to say goodbye to friends for the summer, but it’s especially hard for me to say goodbye to those who are graduating. When I was a freshman I was placed in a sophomore hallway so majority of my friends are leaving me this year to go out into the real world and start their lives. This year has definitely been one for the books, and I will never forget those people who have impacted my life in the way that they have – plus, I know that during their hectic schedules working 9-5 jobs they will find the time to come back and rage with me at school.

I am dedicating this post to all of my friends that are moving on to do bigger and better things with their lives especially my only ginger friends that are leaving. I’ll miss my friend Jimmy – as much as he has grown to hate me for constantly calling him out on being a ginger, I will miss being able to call him out and embarrass him for being a ginger – I will also miss constantly making him take “ginger pictures” with me…guess I’ll have to recruit some more redheads. Jimmy is one awkwardly funny son of a bitch – like most gingers – and I’ll definitely miss him. My other ginger friend, Hillary, is also leaving me this year. Hillary is a flaming ginger. Her hair is much more red than mine, in fact it’s pretty much a bright shade of orange – one of those gingers. I’ll miss having Hillary around because sometimes it’s beneficial not being the biggest flaming ginger around and I thank her for constantly getting more shit than I do. Hillary and I will always be ginger sisters though. She is so crazy and funny I will miss her tons!

I’m not sure what I’m going to do being the only ginger around next year but hopefully I’ll be able to make friends with some new ones so I’m not the only one in my group of friends being made fun of. Sometimes it’s fun when us gingers are together and people make fun of us because we can make fun of them together for being boring and normal. It’s a little hard to rebuttal solo, but gingers always prevail in the end so I’m not really worried about it.

Good luck seniors everywhere graduating both college and highschool…especially good luck to all the gingers out there who are going to make big things happen and eventually rule the world! :)


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2 thoughts on “Graduation

  1. You are absolutely one of the luckiest types of gingies out there: the type that you see in magazines and in fashion spreads! Girl, if people are hatin’ on you for anything…. all the rest of us are doomed. And they are just jealous of your lovely locks. Mazel tov and best of luck on your future endeavors!

  2. Aw thank you, that’s so very sweet! :)

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